
This summer program is specially designed for kids & teens (ages 8 - 18) who are interested in art & design. Students can choose one or more of the following workshops:

This workshop will teach students how to create artwork using Procreate app, employing a wide range of drawing and editing skills


  •  An iPad with an Apple pencil
  •  Procreate app downloaded on Ipad
  • A pen and notepad for taking notes


Instructor: Jehad Haddad
Price: JOD 100

In this workshop students will be learning the basics of designing and creating an artwork and scaling it up to bigger medium


  • Ability to scale designs effectively using a grid system
  • Execution of mural implementations
  • Proficiency in design fundamentals such as art theory & composition
  • A curriculum of all information needed for later experiences


Requirements: To be announced

Instructor: Maha Hindi

Price: JOD 100

The aim of this course is to give those interested in fashion design an introductory look into the design process, which will result in the design development of their own capsule collection, and the creation of their own textile surface designs.By the end of the course students will have gained a brief insight into the fashion design process, creating a capsule collection of designs, mood boards, basic machine and surface decoration techniques such as stitching, seaming, pressing and appliqué/reverse appliqué methods.

Requirements: Fabric (Muslin/Khaam and TBC), A3 layout sketchbook, notebook, ruler (minimum 30cm)

Drawing tools: coloured pencils, markers, fine liners (black, colour, skin tone)

Instructor: Edelina Joyce
Price: JOD 150

The aim of this course is to give a general idea about “Interior Design” that could lead to future education possibilities.

Students will learn the basics of interior design such as: Design principles & elements, Space planning basics, Floor plans, Lighting, Colour, and Surface treatments.

Methods: Lectures, Design studio working sessions.

Requirements: Pencils, pens, colors, eraser, butter paper, ruler and masking tape.

Instructor: Lara Abu Khader
Price: JOD 150

In this 3 day workshop, students will be exploring different mediums to create a new piece of artwork. 


  • Collage creation
  • Printing & stenciling
  • creating mixed media paintings using acrylics, charcoal, oil pastels, etc.
  • Mastery if design basics like art theory and composition
  • A structured curriculum containing all necessary information for future endeavors


Requirements: To be announced

Instructor: Maha Hindi

Price: JOD 80

In this course students will be learn how to sketch and paint a landscape.


  • Painting and sketching a landscape ( the drawing of nature and outdoor spaces
  • Learning design basics like color theory, composition and light and shadow
  • A structured curriculum containing all necessary informaiton for future endeavors


Requirements: To be announced
Instructor: Maha Hindi
Price: JOD 80

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